For the backyard lawn, golf course or the gridiron, we have the natural grasses you need to create a surface for the safest, smoothest play possible. We even have the grass your lawn needs to be the best on the block. Our top quality grasses are all locally grown right here on sod farms near you in North Carolina and South Carolina. This allows us to harvest and install our grass as quickly as possible, ensuring you’ll always receive the best results!
Turf Connections grows four exceptional grass varieties: Cavalier Zoysia, Palisades Zoysia, TifWay 419 Bermuda & Tall Fescue, each with its own unique attributes.
Turf Connections Low-Mow Cavalier Zoysia ™
Fine Texture & Infrequent Mowing
If you want a fine-textured lawn that you don’t have to mow very often, this is the grass for you! Turf Connections Low-Mow Cavalier Zoysia is distinguished from other zoysiagrass by its fine texture, long, narrow leaves, with low rhizome but high density stolon production. A member of the zoysia matrella family of grasses. It has good to excellent salt tolerance, and good shade tolerance.Great for lawns & golf courses. Turf Connections Low-Mow Cavalier Zoysia - The Almost Never Mow Grass.™
Turf Connections, Palisades Zoysia is a great choice for families with kids and dogs. This zoysia japonica grass is a vegetatively produced, medium broad textured, high density turf suitable for home lawns, golf fairways and roughs, sports fields, industrial parks, and highway medians.
Turf Connections Tifway 419 Bermuda grass
Fine Texture & The Golf Course Standard, Suitable for Lawns
Turf Connections Tifway 419 Bermuda grass has long been the standard for golf course fairways & makes a beautiful home lawn. It has darker green color, greater frost resistance, earlier spring growth, greater sod webworm and mole cricket resistance, better herbicide tolerance and stiff leaf blades.
Turf Connections Tall Fescue is Charlotte’s most popular turfgrass sod. The Turf Connections Tall Fescue sod is grown from a blend of three tall fescue varieties and Kentucky Bluegrass. This grass is a popular choice for homeowners, site contractors, landscapers and home builders working with residential lawns–especially areas with partial or full shade. Keeps its green color all winter long.
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